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Subscription management services   Through LM Inform­a­tion Deliv­ery, it is easy to acquire all journ­als that are import­ant to your organ­isa­tion, such as inter­na­tion­ally esteemed aca­demic journ­als, news­pa­pers, elec­tronic resources or magazines. At the same time, you can man­age the com­plete life cycle of sub­scrip­tions.
eBook services   In our eBook Ser­vices, you will find a selec­tion of hun­dreds of thou­sands of titles: e-book pack­ages, col­lec­tions and single titles from vari­ous dis­cip­lines and pub­lish­ers. We will also take care of nego­ti­ations related to licences and terms of use.
eResource use and management services   eResource Access and Man­age­ment Ser­vices facil­it­ate the selec­tion, acquis­i­tion, use and man­age­ment of elec­tronic resources. We provide our cus­tom­ers with com­pre­hens­ive ser­vice as well as advanced tech­nical solu­tions for the com­plete life cycle of e-re­sources.
Database services   We provide our cus­tom­ers with inter­dis­cip­lin­ary full-­text and ref­er­ence data­bases from the world’s lead­ing pub­lish­ers. Through us you will also be able to access handy online ser­vices for domestic and inter­na­tional news­pa­pers.